BeaVan Charities is a non-profit organization incorporated in Phoenix Arizona to provide a comprehensive solution to the grave problem of malnutrition and abandonment among children in Sierra Leone, West Africa since the end of the decade long civil war and the Ebola epidemic.

Our mission is to create an environment where children have access to nutritious foods and to provide a safe home for abandoned children.

  • Recent analyses estimated that 57% of children under five deaths are attributable to malnutrition in Sierra Leone


According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF):

  • 34.1% of children aged six to 59 months are stunted, with 9.5% severely stunted. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies this as serious on its severity scale.


  • Chronic malnutrition is a serious problem that is linked to a poor quality of diet. Four districts exceed the 40% “critical” WHO threshold of chronic malnutrition.